lördag 16 maj 2015

La vie bohème

I came to the city to revaluate my life
I came to the city to find a true meaning of whatever I could find.
I had searched for so long,
but nowhere it could be found; the true meaning of this little thing called... love. 

Love is the strongest feeling in the world. Hand in hand it goes, with its antithesis hate. A power couple they are, strong enough to build a world. And equally as powerful to tear this world apart. Love could not exist with its lover hate. Hate feeds on jealousy and betrayal – let down expectations and half hearted lies. Love feeds on lust and passion, trust and desire. As much as you love someone, there is always hate in the background, waiting for them, or you, to make a mistake that will get the boat rocking. A tiny mistake and the trust – the most fragile thing, is broken. Whether it is only a mare rumour, or if it is something more, if there is no trust there cannot be love. 

I came to this city to fulfil my dreams, 
I came to this city for a change in ways. 
Following the morning sun’s beams,
I will find my destiny, wherever it lays. 

Destiny will find its way to you in the least expected way and even if you think you are not expecting anything, you will still be surprised because that is how destiny works; it slithers inside your being in your most needed time, without your knowing it and it waits and waits and waits and waits and seeks the right moment where you are ready to get your destiny revealed – and when you are, you will see that you have lived a lie until that moment of time because you have not been truly honest with who you are and why you are here, which of course you could not have known. This is the beauty of the unruly destiny; it will either make you whole and alive, or it will destroy your soul and being. It truly is as simple as that. 

When I grow up I don’t want to be happy. I want to be free.

Frowns fill the air like venom. You, me and everyone we know, stand in a circle on the roof, holding hands with our backs bent back to gaze at the stars that tower above us. They are with us today, the souls of fallen heroes and half forgotten gods. We all can feel their presence, lingering in the outskirts of our ensemble. 
I hope they will devour us. 
”We have wronged you! Punish us, make us suffer eternally!” You let go of the hands you are holding and reaches for the sky, calling for our masters.
You are so beautiful.
Nothing will ever tear us apart, except for one thing. Our beliefs are strong. We are free as birds, following the winds of the seasons, without a care in the world. We have have bathed in the source of all truth and it will not leave us until the day we die. We feel the beauty in everything we do, as it is a part of our way of life. Beauty is all around us. But love, oh love. Love is indeed a fickle thing, not bound to a time and so easy mislead and driven away. And yet is love so strong and everlasting that it could devour even the most serious and apathetic being out there. But if that is what it could do to such a person, what could it do to someone welcoming it with open arms, you ask. If we look at love as a friend and as an equal, there is one simple answer. 
Love will tear us apart.

Do you feel the seconds passing by, whispering worthless syllables in your ear? I can feel them. I hear them every day, telling me to stop thinking and start doing, to not imagine the consequences and simply let the feelings take over. I try to let my guard down and to not worry about what could be because of my actions, but the nagging feeling in my very bones, never truly leave me. 
I see colours before my eyes and hope it means I am well on my way of becoming the person I want to be. Am I? I feel that someone must have the answer, even though I know by heart the reason of my not knowing. It is because of my destiny. Oh, sweet destiny! Do not take long to reveal yourself to me. I am more than eager to find my place in this world and in this shattered city. 

This is a city to which I came to experience things I had never came across before. I suppose this place could be worse, but as it seems, the only friendly beings are the bunch of unsuccessful characters, hoping for a breakthrough.
And you.

Oh, you, you make my heart sing of desire. You are not like the rest of them, you light my fire. And it might sound cliché, but this confession of love I will not delay; if you where a hero, I would sing to the skies every single day. Because truth be told, every day with you feels like the scent of flowers blooming in May. If I could be yours, I would be everything you would want me to be. The only requirement is that you love little me.

This story is a scramble of shivering words, told in an instant, but locked in as birds. If love would be you and hate would be me, I know for certain that we would never be free. But as you wish, this story will end, under a dim street light, embracing that old friend. For what it is worth, I will not see you again. And that is most likely for the best. This is the last, finest and truest refrain.

lördag 9 maj 2015

Everything's like it used to be

Såhär en månad senare har det hänt en del. Jag har hunnit med att vara en sväng i Frankrike och jag har äntligen, efter mycket ångest och jobb, skrivit klart mitt gymnasiearbete. Känslan när jag igår skickade in det, var så oerhört härlig och jag ville nästan stanna kvar i den lite till. Känslan av att ha gjort klart någonting stort, att ha lyckats med något.
          Jag har jobbat ganska mycket också och jag får nog erkänna att även om jag klagar på det mycket, är det ändå helt okej. Det finns många jobb som jag kan föreställa mig är värre en att jobba på ett stort café. De flesta av mina jobbkompisar är snälla och roliga och det hjälper ju antagligen lite med hur jag tycker om jobbet i helhet.
         Skryta lite känner jag också är nödvändigt här. För i tisdags sprang jag vårruset med sex andra derby gals. Fem kilometer runt Galgberget i Halmstad och inte trodde jag, när jag ställde mig på startlinjen, att jag skulle springa i princip hela loppet. Jag har inte sprungit mer än några få hundra meter åt gången, på nästan två år och så helt plötsligt springer jag fem kilometer, där de enda gångstegen var nerför en brant asfalterad backe. Jag är så förvånad och så stolt över att jag lyckades göra det, men mycket var nog tack vare de jag sprang med. Lena var fantastisk på att peppa bra och uppmuntrande. Nu känner jag att jag kan börja springa lite lätt, men jag börjar enkelt. Jag hade inte tänkt få benhinneinflammation igen.

Idag har varit städdag och pluggdag. Eller, inte så mycket plugg har det varit än så länge, men jag antar att jag får skriva lite på en fransk jämförelse utöver den sammanfattning jag skrev klart innan. Ätit har jag också gjort, vilket jag för ovanlighetens skull dokumenterade.
Till frukost åt jag havregrynsgröt som också innehöll valnötter och russin. Till det åt jag en halv banan, lite tranbär samt frysta bär av olika slag. Mandelmjölken är obligatorisk. Muggen innehåller ett te vid namn Strawberry Ginger, från Indiska.
Till lunch gjorde jag ett snabbt hopkok där jag stekte till färdig falafel samt paprika, till vilket jag sedan tillsatte tomatpuré, vatten, curry och svartpeppar. Sist delade några körsbärstomater och la i. Enkelt och dundergott.